Stone, & Ockman (editors),Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution,
O'Reilly (Cambridge, MA) c1999 contents available on-line
and Risk in Internet Commerce, L. Jean Camp, MIT Press, (Cambridge, MA)
rough draft available on-line
Debating What is Different About Digital
- John Radford, "Risk, value and vulnerability", 21st Century Government NECCC c2003. pp. 36 -47.
- N. Choucri, V. Maugis, S. Madnick, M. Siegel
S. Gillet, S. O-Donnel, M. Best, H. Zhu, F. Haghseta "
Global e- Readiness - for What? " 177_Choucri_GLOBAL_eREADINESS.pdf
Taming the Tiger of Business and IT Strategy Alignment
Mark Lutchen, Managing It as a Business, PWC, 2003. pp. 37 - 57.
Lutch biography,
Business leaders are responsible for developing the company’s strategies, goals and objectives, based on the focus of the business and its markets. Because technology is, more often than not, at the center of an organization’s ability to enhance its competitive advantage, CIOs must, at the same time, develop and execute the technology strategies and tactics that will cost-effectively support and enhance the overall goals of the business. IT spend and performance measurements must also be developed to track progress, identify gaps and ensure alignment between IT and the business. This is no easy task, particularly in the fast-moving, ever-changing business and technology environments of today. In today’s technology intensive world, business and IT strategy alignment is imperative to business success.
Information: how the market differs from past information markets and physical
- Delong and Froomkin (1997)
" The Next Economy?" Internet Publishing and Beyond: The Economics
of Digital Information and Intellectual Property. Edited by B Kahin and
H Varian. Cambridge, MA MIT Press.
- Varian 1-50
- Digital Dilemma, pp. 1-75
- HBR, Does IT Matter, Letters and Debate.
- Does IT Matter
- Optional: Brynjolfsson & Hitt, "Beyond the Productivity Paradox"
- Optional: "eGovernment" - Parallel Session I, by Paul Timmers, Head of Unit eGovernment see KSG page
The Devil in the Details - Leveraging Lock-in, Network Economics & Peering
- W. B. Arthur, "Competing
Technologies, Increasing returns and Lock-in by Historical Events", The
Economic Journal, Vol 99, Issue 394, pp116-131
- P. A. David "Clio and
the Economics of Qwerty" The American Economic Review, Vol 75, Issue 2,
Papers and Proceedings of the 97th Annual Review of the American Economic Association,
May 1985, pp. 332-337.
The opposite of flexibility is lock-in
- Open Sources 149-170
- Varian 103-172, 135-172
- Varian 173-226
- The Economics of Networks,
by Nicholas Economides, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.
16, no. 4, pp. 673-699 (October 1996).
- Gupta, Stahl & Whinston,
Pricing of Services on the Internet,
- Baake, P.; Wichmann, T., "On the economics
of Internet peering", Netnomics 1998 Vol. 1, pp. 89-90
Huston, G.,
Internet, Peering and Settlements, INET 99.
- Mansell, R., Tariffs: who
should pay for the telecommunication network? Telecommunications (International
Edition)1993 Vol. 27 pp. 19-20
- Robert Hahn, "Government Policy toward Open Source: An Overview" Government Policy toward Open Source, pp. 1- 11
what is free software
- Krishnan, Smith, Tang, Telang, "Why Free Riding Can be Tolerated in File Sharing Networks", on internal KSG page.
- The original canonical definition of free software,
- Optional: Stallman, "Why Software Should be Free", Bynum and Rogerson Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility Oxford 2002
Digital Strategies
- Open Source Baselines Government Policy Towards Open Source, Brookings Institute, 2003.
- Politics & ProgrammingGovernment Policy Towards Open Source, Brookings Institute, 2003.
- Comino, Stefano & Fabio M. Manenti, Open Source vs Closed Source Software: Public Policies in the Software Market
- Schmidt, Klaus & Monika Schnitzer, Public Subsidies for Open Source? Some Economic Policy Issues of the Software Market
- optional:van Reijswoud, Victor & Corrado Topi Alternative Routes in the Digital World: Open Source Software in Africa
- optional: von Krogh, Georg, Stefan Haelfliger & Sebastian Spaeth 2003 - 11 Collective Action and Communal Resources in Open Source Software Development:The Case of Freenet
Litmann, Digital Copyright, "Creation & Incentives, Just Say Yes to Licensing" Prometheus Books 2001, pp. 101-121
- Bradner in Open Sources, pp. 47-52
- Varian 260-296
- L. Jean Camp & Charles Vincent, "Beyond Code as Law: Standards as Governance", Ethics and Information Technology
- Technology
and Institutional Innovation by Mueller
Patented technologies are the best -- for the merchant. They hold considerable risk for the customer and for the purveyors of open code
Friday Mar 26: Midterm Due
Midterm take home portion
Policy Dilemmas
- Microsoft decides to share its Passport
- Building on the desktop monopoly by using Passport
- Identity in Digital Government Alternatively request a printed copy from Prof. Camp.
- An alternative for global customization.: R Arlein, B Jai, Jakobsson, F. Monrose
and M. Reiter (2000), " Privacy-preserving global customization",
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM conference on Electronic commerce; Minneapolis,
Minnesota. ACM Press New York, NY. pp. 176 - 184 ISBN:1-58113-272-7.
Case Studies
- MacCormack, Alan;
Herman, Kerry , Red Hat and the Linux Revolution (HBS Case Studies) Product
Number: 9-600-009
- Open Sources Bob Young 113-126
- 21st Century Government Elaine Marshall on the Enterprise View of Technology, pp. 54-65
- Martin FinkThe Business and Economics of Linux and Open Source, "Navigating the Legal Path to Freedom"Prentice Hall 2003. pp. 35-56
- The open source memo.
- Public comments.
- IIS vs. Apache.
due at the end of the exam period.