INFO-I330: Legal and Social Informatics of Security

Grading Guidelines
10% Class Participation In class discussions of the readings and in class activities.
20% Weekly Assignments Assignments are due every Friday. This will most often be weekly Canvas timed quizzes. Other possibilities are short essays, short answer to a set of questions, or possibly simple reflective questions. Short essays are approximately 500 words that summarizes the reading or identifies an open research question that arises from the reading.
10% Topical Consultation The topical consultation will be based on an advanced assigned reading. Essentially you will lead one discussion section and teach your peers. This presentation will be fifteen minutes. You will be evaluated on the thoroughness and accuracy of the information you present, the content of the slides, the design of the slides, and effectiveness of delivery. To mitigate the difficulty of going first, to put this off to the last minute, choosing the last slot of the semester is plus 0 points. Choosing one of the first four available slots will be plus 4 points. Any other slot is plus 2 points.
5% Discussion Participation including Response to Topical Consultation The topical consultation will occur in discussion section. It is reasonable to expect one quiz question from each peer's presentation in the discussion. In addition anyone who is disruptive or fails to attend will be penalized. It is important to attend discussion because this will be primarily time for guided work on your projects. There will also be activities that compliment the course as a whole. For example, as part of threat modeling we will visit the finest puzzle collection in the world which is housed in Lilly Library. Before you determine your projects I hope to schedule a tour of the various resources available to help.
55% Final project


Jan 22

Teams Assigned

There is a two week period where you can request that you not be placed on a team with someone else. We will not ask why. This request will not be shared with others.


Feb 5

Project Plan

The project plan should include the roles of each team member. The tasks for the project should be laid out, with expected hours. The completion dates are estimated for each task. The project plan defines individual responsibility and makes the flow of the project easier to visualize and to manage.


Mar 9


The bibliography should be roughly complete by the middle of the semester, but of course there will be other material added as the semester progresses. This bibliography will serve as the foundation for your argument or justification for the importance of the topic and the method. There must be at least five entries. I recommend the indicative style. The shortest easiest guide I have found was at UC,


Sign up on Canvas


The presentations will take place during the last week of class. It will include feedback that should be addressed in the written report.


May 4

Research Paper

The research project is the culmination of the semester. This written report is the opportunity to describe it to your best possible advantage.


Immediate Educational Goals

  • Basic economic vocabulary.
  • Understand security and privacy as rational, competitive economic phenomena.
  • Understand security and privacy as behavioral, human economic phenomena.
  • Examine any proposed protocol of technology to understand its basic costs/benefit proposal, including which parties bear the cost and which get the benefit.
  • Evaluate the relationship between assumptions and modeling in security engineering analysis.
  • Be able to critique a research paper, with a particular emphasis on scope of conclusions.

Goals within the Curriculum

The academic goals are as follows:

  • A minimal exposure to interdisciplinary approaches to security.
  • Understand the links between security and privacy.
  • Understand the interaction between security, privacy, and the broader operating context.
  • Develop awareness of the landscape of security law and policy.
  • Examine security from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.
  • Know how to locate a range of sources for deeper knowledge.

The applied goals are as follows:

  • The ability to effectively summarize and communicate interdisciplinary projects.
  • Build skills for public discussion/presentation.
  • Develop effective writing habits and style.
  • Develop skills and experience in team work.
  • Awareness and literacy of threat analysis.
Course Policies

These policies are identical to the policies when Prof. Patil teaches the class. I thank him for developing such an excellent policy document. Much of the wording was provided by his syllabus of the course with his permission.

  • Be on time for each class and discussion session. Being late or absent without a valid excuse will count against your class participation grade.
  • Be responsible for monitoring announcements sent via email or canvas. Not seeing an announcement will not be accepted as an excuse.
  • Allow at least 24 hours for email response from the instructors.
  • Do not use your laptop or mobile device(s) in class unless instructed to do so for a class activity. Unpermitted laptop or mobile device use will count against your class participation grade.
  • Submit your assignments on time. Late submissions will NOT be accepted under any circumstances and will automatically receive 0 points
Writing Help

For free help at any phase of the writing process - from brainstorming to revising the final draft - visit the Writing Tutorial Services (WTS, pronounced "wits"") website: You will need to complete a one-time registration if this is your first time using the online scheduler. You may also call (812) 855-6738 for an appointment. When you visit WTS, you'll find a tutor who is a sympathetic and helpful reader of your prose. To be assured of an appointment with the tutor who will know most about your class, please call in advance.

WTS, in the new Learning Commons on the first floor of the West Tower of Wells Library, is open Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WTS tutors are also available for walk-in appointments in the Academic Support Centers in Briscoe, Forest, and Teter residence halls and in several culture centers around campus. Call WTS or visit for hours.

Grading Scheme
A+ 97% A 94-96.9% A- 90-93.9%
B+ 87-89.9% B 84-86.9% B- 80-83.9%
C+ 77-79.9% C 74-76.9% C- 70-73.9%
D+ 67-69.9% D 64-66.9% D- 60-63.9%
F < 60%
Weekly Topics
Week 1: Introductions & Pscyhology
Week 2: Pscyhology of Privacy
Week 3: Methods
Week 4: Value of security & privacy
Week 5: Economics topic selected
Week 6: Historical Perspectives
Week 7: Law and Economics
Week 8: Organizations
Week 9: Policies
Week 10: Privacy Compliance
Week 11: Spring Break
Week 12: E-Crime
Week 13: Threat Modeling
Week 14: Security & Privacy System Design
Week 15: Bitcoin & Student Presentations
Week 16: (no discussion)